Each fall we do everything we can to get students involved in our movements. We do surveys, follow-up students in the dorms, share our faith, have socials until the wee hours of the morning, and table like it's our job (because it is). At the end of the day, we hope students will be drawn to what we're doing and the Lord that we show and tell them about and plug into our movements. We do all these things because we know they pay off for the next four years as students grow, stay involved, and begin to reach out to the campus. The ultimate goal is that they learn to walk with God and fulfill the Great Commission for a lifetime. We're a mobilizing movement. We want to see students taking the gospel to the campus, their communities, and the world.
In the past, our most successful models have centered around the idea of one giant movement that is ever expanding and reaching beyond its borders until the entire campus has been saturated with the Gospel. The goal is every student on campus having a chance to hear about Christ before the end of their college experience. An incredible feat, and a worthwhile goal. Recently, however, I have begun to rethink the goals we have set, especially with the recent push in Cru to see 100% of the students involved with us sent to the world to make a difference for Christ, and I posit that this is as worthwhile a goal as the previous, and maybe even more. If we were able to mobilize 100% of the students involved with our movements the changes beyond the campus to the world could only be imagined. Which brings me to the reason for this blog posting. It's something I've begun realizing working with Destino. No one movement will ever mobilize the entire campus.
What is comes down to is culture. Working with Destino I've seen many of the principles I learned in Cru work, and I've seen many fail. We can debate the definition of principle later, but regardless, I have come to understand many of the reasons that Cru as an organization is 90% white, and it's our culture. Working with Destino we are able to create a culture and tone in our movements that is appealing and challenging to Latino students. This looks and feels much different than the culture and tone of Cru movements and it is precisely because of these differences that we are able to align and mobilize a previously hidden segment of our campuses for the fulfilment of the great commission.
With the ever-increasing diversity on college campuses it is incredibly difficult to create a movement with the culture and tone to attract and challenge every student. Even the idea of a multi-cultural movement is actually one culture in and of itself; a multi-cultural culture. It will draw those that like that idea and want to learn about other cultures and races, and bring about reconciliation, but will alienate those that have no perceived need for it.
As a Destino team, we are reaching out to and mobilizing those that connect with and enjoy the Latino culture, but I am in no way delusional enough to believe that my one movement will draw in and mobilize every student. We do have students from other ethnicities involved, but you know what? Our movements are probably 90% Latino. Because that is the segment of the population that is drawn to what we do and the culture we have created in our movements. (sound familiar?)
If we really want to see the whole campus not only reached, but also mobilized for the fulfilment of the great commission, we need to be serious about multiple movements. Any one movement can successfully saturate the campus if it's large enough and well managed, but what about the other parts of our strategy? What about students being built and sent? When Destino at Cal State Long Beach has saturated the campus with the gospel, I'm going to guess we'll still be 90% Latino. That means many others on our campus aren't going to be built and sent by our movement because they just didn't feel like they "fit in" at our meetings or couldn't relate to some of the things we were talking about.
Don't get me wrong, I believe God is the great equalizer. He has the power to draw us all together and we are undoubtedly one in Christ. I would also say that we are Biblically obligated to cross-cultures, learning from and encouraging those whose culture and race reflect God's character differently than ours. But he has given us culture and race for a reason, and to turn a blind eye to the differences is to doom our organization to remaining as it is; mobilizing a good chunk of the college campus, but leaving what will soon be over 50% of the campus reached with the Gospel, but unaligned, unchallenged, and unmobilized.
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